Distorted Stinking Thinking of Low Self Esteem, Depression

Have you ever wondered what goes on inside the head of a person with low self-esteem? I can clue you in. I've had a lot (too much) of experience with it. If you're experiencing low self-esteem for the first time, it can be pretty scary. If you've not experienced it, it's hard to imagine why we behave as we do.

Low self-esteem often manifests as depression. It's a complex melange of feelings, but it's based on negative thinking. Stinking thinking, as Al-Anon and Alcoholics Anonymous would call it. Everyone has some thoughts of self-doubt, but in a person with low self-esteem, these thoughts are pervasive. Teens are particularly vulnerable. Negative thoughts are obsessive, inaccurate and distorted, too. Here's how people with low self-esteem think about themselves. Distorted Thinking of Low Self-Esteem, Depression 

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